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Shaquira Lawson

Shaquira Lawson is currently a senior at Booker High School. She has been a member of the BHS's Varsity Cheerleading Squad for three years and is currently one of the captains. Shaquira is also senior class vice president and is actively involved in BHS's Student Government Association, as well as being a peer mentor in College for Every Student and a Student Ambassador. She will be attending the University of Central Florida in the fall and will major in International Marketing. One of her goals is to study abroad later in her collegiate career to learn how the market system works in foreign countries.

Essay Recipient

Troy Anthony Simon, Jr.

Troy Anthony Simon, Jr., the son of Troy A. Simon Sr. and Lisa M. Bowens, was born June 26, 1996 and New Orleans, LA. In 2005, Troy and his family were forced by Hurricane Katrina to move to Sarasota, Florida with his grandparents who are Sarasota natives, Jacki Bowens and the late James Bowens. Troy has two brothers Charles Merino (23), Nehemiah Simon (3) and one sister Jordyn Simon (9). He is currently a senior at Manatee High School. During high school, Troy play football his sophomore year as a defensive back and a free safety. He was also nominated as senior class board Vice President by his peers. After graduation, Troy plans on going to college to get his degree in business management in sports management.

Essay Recipient, LOTW Member

Deja DuBose

Deja DuBose is a senior at Booker High School. She is a CFES scholar, a Booker High Ambassador, and is also a VPA theater student at Booker where she is currently in the cast of Hairspray. After she graduates, Deja plans to attend a 4-year university to pursue a degree in medicine.

Essay Recipient, LOTW Member

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